The Florence Network
Connecting, communicating and collaborating to improve
internationalization in nursing and midwifery
Connecting, communicating and collaborating to improve internationalization in nursing and midwifery
Welcome to the Florence Network webpage.
This webpage is for all who have an interest in nursing and midwifery in Europe.
Here you can find information about the history of the network as well as information on the member universities. It is our aim to announce all relevant events at the member universities which is open to others.
The objective of the Florence Network is to develop and improve the quality of European higher education in nursing and midwifery by means of international cooperation in the field of education, research and development. In this way the network aspires to improve the image of the Nursing and Midwifery professions and to improve the quality of European health care.
Members of the network are each year invited to an annual meeting which next year will take place in Larisa, Greece in April 2024
If you are interested in becoming a member of the network, please find more information in our guidelines in the page “join”.
Yours sincerely,
Lisbeth Vinberg Engel

President of the Florence Network 2023